Saturday, September 28, 2013

Develop your faith

As a fresh graduate teacher, now is the first experience for me to write the narrative report. Although I often write "narrative report" about my life in this blog, it's different when I have to write about my students. The school has the template and its way to write. As the teacher, I cannot just write it freely. Instead, I have to write each report carefully. As I do it, somehow I ask, why does a teacher should write narrative report? Oh, how I wish there is no narrative report to write! (*lazy teacher!)

Well, what is narrative report? Simply, it is a report about students' development that written by using narrative writing. Why is it should be narrative? Because a narrative report will give a clear description of students' development. Therefore, the readers (parents) can respond by taking a right step for their children's education.

Anyway, do you know that God also wrote narrative report?

Friday, September 20, 2013

God's wisdom for a fresh graduate teacher

Tidak terasa sudah sekitar dua bulan aku jadi guru. Secara resminya sih kalau dihitung dari jumlah hari aktif, baru sekitar sebulanan (kan kepotong banyak libur sama weekend). Aku mulai terbiasa, tapi tetep aja masih bingung dan meraba-raba. Setiap hari bukan cuma pembelajaran buat anak-anak, tapi juga buat gurunya. Namun aku bersyukur Tuhan itu setia dan Dia memberikan hikmat yang aku butuhkan.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Lessons from my students

I just wrote my students' development for this past month and learned some good things from them. I think it is just true when Jesus told us to become like little children. Little children always trusting their teachers and parents. Never once they doubt their teachers and parents. Little children always loving others. Sometimes they don't like someone, but usually they love everyone. They don't hate someone for more than a day or even an hour. Little children always forgiving others. Easily they forget others' mistake.