Monday, January 28, 2013

Be Humble To Be Served

Last Thursday, our LIFE GROUP had a hangout. We went to WTC Mall Serpong to play bowling together. Actually it was cheap. If you bring your student ID, you have to pay for IDR 10000 per game for weekdays. On weekends or public holidays, you have to pay IDR 12000 per game. You also have to rent the shoes. It costs only IDR 4000. If you total the money you need for this hangout, you just need to bring about IDR 50000 for the bowling, meal, and transportation. BUT cheap has no meaning if you have problem with FINANCE.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Nefarious: Merchants of Souls

Last Saturday Night, my LIFE Group watched a documentary film about sex slavery all over the world in this post-modern age from a Christian world view. It is hard to not cry and even be touched knowing the pain and suffering those women and children bear. They need a Savior to set them free. They need Christians to be God's hands and feet in order to help them free. The title is Nefarious: Merchant of Souls. You can open their official website: and see the trailer here:

I recommend you to see this movie (you can buy it online) so that you can know the facts about it, pray, be aware, and even take an action like donate.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Forgive myself as Christ forgives

It was not surprised me when God ended what I started without His permission. I already confessed my sin to Him and trust that He is in control, powerful to recover my life. So when yesterday I found that I lost a "good" thing in my life, I could accept it with thanksgiving in my heart and also tears. One thing that I regret the most is my stupidity these past few months giving up my purity for temporal pleasure. I felt like Esau when he despised his birthright by exchanging it with a bowl of stew. He was rejected by God because of it. Somehow, I was afraid that God might rejects me.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Thanksgiving Thursday: He is the Answer

Sejak masih praktikum di Batam, laptopku sudah semakin rewel. Battre drop sama sekali sehingga aku harus selalu set date and time tiap kali nyalain laptop. Selain itu colokan chargernya melonggar sehingga mesti diputar-putar sebelum bisa digunakan. Kalo kabelnya kesenggol dikit aja, matilah tuh laptop. Namun selama laptopnya masih oke, bisa dipake dengan lancar, aku sih sabar-sabar aja dan nggak banyak mengeluh. Bulan Desember lalu, sekitar 2 minggu sebelum pulang ke Surabaya, laptopku mulai melambat dari starting windows. Pernah suatu malam aku nungguin tuh laptop dari jam 8-12 malam tanpa hasil yang memuaskan. Besok paginya, laptop itu bisa digunakan dengan normal. Hal ini terus terjadi beberapa kali. Penulisan skripsi jelas terhambat. Buka Ms. Word aja bisa not responding saking lambatnya. Ketika berhasil open Ms.Word, beberapa kali aku sudah ngetik lumayan panjang, eh tiba-tiba laptop mati seenaknya. Gubraaaaaakkkkk...

Friday, January 4, 2013

Enjoy Life and See Good Days in 2013

Memasuki tahun baru 2013, yang disebut-sebut sebagai tahun ular air, banyak pihak yang mengungkapkan bahwa tahun ini banyak tipu muslihat, mencerminkan sifat ular. Sebenarnya tahun angka berapapun dengan shio apapun, kalau dihidupi dalam dosa tentu mengandung banyak tipu muslihat. Jadi yang membuat kita untung atau rugi, hidup tenang atau terteror, itu semua bukan tergantung angka tahunnya atau shio apa yang berperan, melainkan bagaimana seharusnya kita menjalani tahun ini.