Tuesday, April 28, 2015

How Faithful is our Lord!

Time keeps going. Two years has passed since I lost my dad and I feel thankful today. I woke up quite early this morning and had more time to pray and lift up praises. These twenty four past months, The Lord has been so faithful. I tried to count on The Lord's blessings, guidance, provisions, and answers along these two years. There were soooooooo much from the Lord that if I could give thanks for each matter, I would be late to work today. Hehehe...

This morning I felt so thankful when I found out that no tears were dropped. Knowing that today was the date of my dad's death two years ago does not make me down. Instead, I feel glad that The Lord enables me to accept this lost. I no longer need to feel deep sorrow since He comforted me. My family and I are now getting adjust with his absent. We are fine without him around. Although we always miss him, we do not lack anything. The Lord is our Faithful Father, The Shepherd of our family.

While I tried to compare what we feel today and what we felt two or one year ago, I found that The Lord had been working in our hearts. When we were in deep sorrow and lost our passion, He gently redirecting us to His path. He used our difficulties to help us abide in Him. As we struggle, we pray. When we confuse, we seek the answer through Bible reading and meditation. Then we walk by faith. There were times when we desperately felt to seek our own way to solve our problem, but we had learned to surrender and kept our faith. Now I am so thankful to have my family living by faith from day to day. It is not because we are strong. It is only because of God's grace in our family. It was and is because The Holy Spirit's guidance in our lives.

Struggles, challenges, worries, and difficulties are still in our way. Nothing much change, but I know we have been growing in our faith and hope in the Lord. Now we have peace that surpasses all understanding when we are in trouble. We can be calm and pray. We can be still and know that He is God, our Lord, our defender. He is always in control.

It took two years for me personally to realize how faithful is our Lord Jesus Christ in keeping His promises to us. He is indeed a defender to the widow and a Father to the fatherless. Now I am looking forward for any chance to testify and witness The Lord's faithfulness to other people, especially for those who suffer in great sorrow because of someone's death.

I do not know what you might have in mind these days, what might troubled you, but.... please do remember that our hardships are not supposed to direct the way we live. Be watchful and keep praying. Let The Lord himself directs your heart and life. He is Emmanuel. Just do not be afraid or worry about tomorrow.

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. (Matthew 6:33 - NIV)

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