Wednesday, April 30, 2014

God Lists My Tears [In Memoriam of My Father: April 28, 2013 - April 28, 2014]

I thought these twelve months were enough to accept this lost. Although there was almost no tears for these last few months, I found myself was in a deep sorrow when the date turned to be April 28. So it was and is still hurt for me to lost my dad. Even I found myself could not stop to cry. Nothing and no one could help, just like in the song that the people sang a year ago to comfort us:

Tak satupun dapat menghiburku
Tak seorangpun dapat menolongku
Hanya Yesus jawaban hidupku

(No one could comfort me
No one could help me
Only Jesus, the answer of my life)

Friday, April 11, 2014

Set your heart on seeking the Lord

Few days ago, I read a story of King Rehoboam in the book of 2 Chronicles. Usually, King Rehoboam is not interesting for me, but this time I found something important that Christians usually forget.