Thursday, May 31, 2012

While I'm Waiting

This past week I am learning about waiting for the Lord. To wait patiently is not easy. It is painful and I am crying to God in these few days. I found this song strengthen me to keep worship and serve my God while I'm waiting. The artist is John Waller. First time I heard this song is from a Christian movie titled Fireproof. Listen carefully to this song and the lyric, and take a commitment to wait patiently for the Lord.

Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.
(Psalm 27:14)

Friday, May 25, 2012

Pray to God Aggressively

Beberapa hari yang lalu, seorang mahasiswi cerita kalo cowok yang deketin dia tuh agresif banget, BBM dia sepanjang hari hampir tiap hari mulai dari bangun pagi sampe malem mau tidur. Padahal, menurut si mahasiswi, cowok ini adalah mahasiswa yang sibuk banget. Dia bukan cuma sibuk kuliah, tapi juga terlibat di kegiatan organisasi kampus kayak MPM (Majelis Perwakilan Mahasiswa) dan organisasi kerohanian di kampus. Aktivitas mahasiswa ini nonstop dari pagi sampe tengah malem setiap hari, bahkan setelah UAS selesai! Si mahasiswi cukup keheranan, kok bisa-bisanya si mahasiswa sibuk ini dengan agresif BBM dia terus-terusan sepanjang hari. Aku sih senyum-senyum aja. Yaaaah, namanya juga naksir... Hehe..

Thursday, May 24, 2012

My Heavenly Father Watches Over Me

UPH Choir lagi latihan nyanyi lagu My Heavenly Father Watches Over Me. Lagu ini benar-benar menyentuh, tiap kali latihan aku merasa dikuatkan dan semakin merasa mantap untuk melangkah pergi ke Batam bulan Juli nanti. Apapun yang terjadi, Bapaku yang di surga menjagaku.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Life Group

I often mention about Life Group on this blog. Are you curious? Here is a video about Life Group:

Keep Praying for the SMP Team

So sad, I cannot join the Student Mission Project (SMP) because of my internship to Batam on this July. Therefore, I am out from the team. It does not mean that God was playing with me when He called me to take a step of obedience by joined this mission project. Once He called me to be on this mission, I believe He meant it. I believe that He wanted me to be on the Student Missions Project but not as I thought before. I thought I would go to Lampung or Papua, but God had something else in His mind.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

He will never fail me!

Last night, I just realized that I was like a fool. I did lean on my own understanding. I was wasting my thoughts, feelings, emotions, time for.... (let's call it) nothing! I forgot that Jesus Christ Himself is enough to meet the needs in the depths of my heart.

But thanks to God in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! As I pray and obey Him (especially to stop my foolishness this past three weeks), I found that He never and will never fail me! He never and will never fail us!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Jatuh Cinta yang Salah

Beberapa waktu lalu dalam Morning Devotion, Pak Erwin sempat membagikan renungan mengenai "jatuh cinta yang salah". Renungan ini diambil dari kisah cinta Amnon dan Tamar dalam 2 Samuel 13. Sayangnya waktu itu aku gak nyatet sama sekali. Tapi aku masih ingat poin-poinnya. Berikut aku coba uraikan ya pelan-pelan, supaya kita tahu jatuh cinta yang salah itu seperti apa dan apa pula dampaknya.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Batam, I'm Coming!

Akhirnya kemaren siang agak sorean gitu, keluarlah pengumuman praktikum ketigaku. Setelah penantian panjang akhirnya aku ditempatkan di.....

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Growing through Bible reading

Beberapa jam yang lalu, seorang saudari mengirimkan sms seperti ini:

Ada yg tau kisah ttg 'koin dari dlm mulut ikan'? Stelah hampir 6 tahun ikut Tuhan n kenal firman Tuhan, saya baru tahu ad kisah itu di Alkitab! Bhkan ini bagian dr kisah hidup Tuhan Yesus! Astaga! saya bner" mrasa tertohok skarang ini. Malu.. 6 tahun ini saya ngpain aj, smpe matius 17:24 ini kq seperti lum pernah kubaca sebelumna.. Hwaa..

Aku tersenyum sendiri membacanya. Selama ini aku sudah 3 kali menyelesaikan Bible reading dari Kejadian sampai Wahyu. Bukan berarti aku lantas hafal dan tau setiap kisah yang tercantum dalam Alkitab. Seringkali aku juga mendapati diriku terkaget-kaget, "Eh, ternyata ada bagian ini ya?"

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Apologetics as an Education

Today is National Education Day in Indonesia. I am going to do my Apologetics Exam and has been learning for the last three days. As I open my handouts and try to review all the materials, I remember that today is to be grateful! Without God, there is no education both in Indonesia and all over the world. He is the one who started education. In Numbers 6, God commands Israelites to teach God's Word to their children day and night, whatever they do, whether at home or on journeys. In the New Testament, Jesus commands His disciple to go and make disciples and teach them.

So, I want to share a little bit about apologetics. What is apologetics? How does it become an education for people?

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Don't Waste Your Life

I am  reading a book titled "Don't Waste Your Life" by John Piper and very recommended this book.
The books are available in Indonesia but still in English. As long as I know, you can get it from Times bookstore (Jakarta, Bandung, Bali, Depok, Manado, Balikpapan, Medan). You can also get the free e-book from or ask me via email (